SN: Ep 10 Dr. Nick Macklon

You may not have given much thought to the lining of your uterus, aka your endometrium; but it is a super important workhorse when it comes to pregnancy, and one that, it turns out, has a voice. The old story used to be that the endometrium is this passive, patient group of cells waiting to give any embryo it glimpsed a warm, safe harbor to grow. Today’s guest shares the updated story: the endometrium as selective screener, interviewing the embryo–by assessing its chemical signals– accepting and investing in the embryos it thinks are viable, and rejecting the rest.

Nick Macklon’s published work can be found here: 

Uterine Selection of Human Embryos at Implantation:

Dr. Macklon’s work at the London Women’s ClinicKind IVF

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